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Compound words (Komposita)

Komposita (Compound words)

Komposita (Compound words)

In simple words, when two words are joined together to form a new word are called compound words. Like any other language, German language also has a lot of compond words. Sometimes which makes it easy for a person to understand the meaning and sometimes it becomes a lot difficult. We will learn different types of compound words and about their formation.

First, let’s take an example:

die Schule + der Lehrer = der Schullehrer

As we can see here, Schule means “School” and Lehrer means “Teacher”. After combining these two words it becomes, Schullehrer, i.e. “Schoolteacher”

  • Now, the important point is that the first word is the (Determinant) always descreibes the second word (Basic word). e.g. , the teacher is a school teacher.
  • Secondly, the gender is always determined by the second word. e.g., der Lehrer. So, der Schullehrer.

Now we will learn the formation of a compound word:

Formation of a compound word can be in three different forms. Let’s look at them.

  1. Noun + Noun :

der Dieb + die Tasche = der Taschendieb

das Leder + die Tasche = die Ledertasche

die Schule + der Hof = der Schulhof

die Pizza + der Bäcker = der Pizzabäcker

die Schule + das Mädchen = die Mädchenschule

  • Adjective + Noun :

Mager + die Milch = die Magermilch (Skimmed milk)

Bunt + die Papier =  die Buntpapier (Colored paper)

Klein+ der Garten = der kleingarten (Allotment garden)

Süβ + die Kartoffel = die Süβkartoffel (Sweet potato)

Universal + das Genie = das Universalgenie (Universal genius)

  • Noun +  Verb :

die Schlange + stehen = Schlange stehen (to stand in a queue)

das Tennis + spielen = Tennis spielen (to play Tennis)

das Eis + laufen = Eislaufen (to ice skate)

der Brand + marken = Brandmarken (to brand)

die Hand + haben = Handhaben (to handle/ manage)